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Eco-Twinning Among Dominican Institutions

MolloyROCKVILLE CENTRE, NY June 18, 2009 -- Engaging in what is a first for the Order, two Dominican institutions, Molloy College in New York and the Centre for Human Resource Development in Ibadan Nigeria, engaged in an Eco-Twinning Project as part of an Earth Day 09 celebration. 

Focusing its celebration on the theme:  Global Climate Change:  Go Ahead Molloy Be Part of the Solution, the college, founded by the Amityville Dominicans went in search of an institution in the global south that is experiencing the detrimental effects of climate change first hand.  “It was just second nature to go looking for another Dominican Institution and Africa was first on the list given the continent’s dire needs,” said project coordinators, Srs. Alex Wolochuk and Margaret Galiardi. 

Molloy was in touch with Center all year through emails which gathered facts about the Center, its mission and its people.   The college learned that the Center seeks to address the threat of global warming in West Africa by developing sustainable organic agricultural production, helping to reduce the threats of desertification, and also flooding from rise in sea level and powerful cyclones. 

molloyAs Earth Day approached the college was looking for a practical response that would give students something they can do to support people and communities already directly affected by climate change.  The decision was made to hold a Bread and Soup Lunch and Interfaith Prayer Service.  Students baked bread and made cookies, and the college’s food service donated the soup.  Prayers were offered by Molloy students and faculty representing Judaism, Islam and Christianity.   Nigerian music was played.  A local shelter for homeless women recently the benefactor of campus ministry’s annual Box Town donated the mugs for the soup so the celebration would have a low carbon footprint.  Admission was $5 with all proceeds going to Nigeria.  The Office of Mission at the College added its own generous contribution.   All of this was accompanied by a special page on Molloy’s web site featuring photos and explanation of the Center’s work.

When all was said and done the Molloy community, students and faculty alike, not only learned about Global Climate Change, but in keeping with Catholic Social Teaching,  acted in solidarity with those least able to protect themselves from the consequences of an unhealthy environment.

Visit the Molloy College website